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For I-HELP Applicants

This section is for people who would like to apply for the I-HELP program. Call first for availability.


Men's Program Phone Number  831.205.3496  

Women's Program Phone Number  831.393.5154.

What can the I-HELP program offer me?

  • On an ongoing basis, and together with several other participants, you'll receive a warm evening meal and overnight accommodation at one of more than thirty participating churches and other faith communities in the greater Monterey bay area.


  • With the continual support of a dedicated I-HELP program coordinator, you'll have the opportunity to develop and follow an individualized “going forward” plan for the future.


How does the tryout work?


  • During the tryout period, you’ll be asked to meet with the program coordinator to review and discuss your own situation and jointly determine if participation in I-HELP would be appropriate for you, or if some other kind(s) of assistance would be more suitable and beneficial.


  • If I-HELP participation is appropriate, you’ll be welcomed to join the program, with the understanding that diligently working on your going-forward plan will be a major part of the program and your continued participation in it.


Pick-up Locations

Men's Pickup Point at Naval Gate Bus Stop on Del Monte Ave., Monterey

Women's Pickup Point at El Estero Park near Fremont Ave., Monterey


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